Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Thursday Class At The Yoga Source

I am teaching today at The Yoga Source on Wiles Rd in Coral Springs. I have to take some pictures of the studio and put them up here. It is such a wonderful peaceful place not only to teach but also to take a class. I feel as if I am able to breathe deeper just by walking in the door.

I love my 4:30 class. It is a weird time and it's not the largest class that they have at the Yoga Source but the students that come are really into it. Most of them are people who are just off work and they need to come down off the wall a little. I always make sure there is time for pranayama (breath control) even if it is just a few minutes. Pranayama helps us come in contact with our bodies and become aware of the changes in the body from moment to moment. It also allows us to slow down and really breathe deeply. I can't even think of starting a class without pranayama.

I usually start on the back but maybe I'll start in seated today. It's always good to shake things up a little. I am going to do some balance postures today. I have been neglectful with balance lately. It is not my strong suit so I tend to not do those postures but I need to be more mindful about incorporating balance postures in my classes. I'm thinking today I will do tree pose and dancers pose. I may even bring in standing stick. I'll see.

I always end my classes with by rubbing lavender essential oils in my hands and walk to each student and place my hands over their faces so that that can smell that wonderful relaxing small. I do that in my home classes as well. It always helps the students to get in the mode of letting go.

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